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The idea came one day visiting families and we have seen that many of them are really poor people without food, clothes, etc.

People from Durban who know us from monthly meetings

that we do, began collecting clothes and food for the people of our Mission.

We began to distribute what we had and there we realized that many children, which we found in the homes, are orphans living with some member of their family - grandmother, aunt.

Since these families are poor, many of these children

often do not have anything to eat, do not go to school

because have to pay the annual fee and also have to buy uniforms that costs a lot of money and which is obligatory.

Then we began to choose two orphans from every

Village. For each child we create a schedule with the

history about the child, family condition, etc.

Then once having these schedules we look for sponsors for those children who will take care for the specific child chosen by sending money especially for education but also for any other needs. So far, we have 50 children.

These orphans are only a small number of the many who live in the villages around the mission.

This project wants to help these children in their training-education through a child sponsorship that will assure each of them to continue their schooling to maturity and the development of life.

Helping families
Helping children

       Some of the families who is living around our Mission Lourdes (Umzimkhulu - KZN)



2014-2016 it has been provided: 

                               - school’s uniforms and shoes

               - annual fees’ school

 - food parcel

                                        - transport for school and hospital

              -  hospital check up

              - clothes and shoes

Helping children
Helping children
Helping children
Helping children
Helping families

For the Future, what we would like to achieve for the development of their life’s condition is to:

 - replace firewood in the randovelle with a wooden stove;

 - provide solar panel to produce electricity;

 - help those families that need to rebuild the house using bricks and cement instead of mud bricks;

 - provide water tank for gardening;

Helping families


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