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Writer's pictureKoinonia John the Baptist

The Philip Course Experience

When it comes to doing things for God or community, I’ve always tried to answer ‘yes’ if there is no good reason to decline. This course was recommended by someone whose opinion I respect and so I enrolled. I have had dealings with the Kononia John the Baptist Community before and I enjoy the presenters, especially Fr. Michael, who can draw out more meaning from two lines in the bible than I can from a whole chapter.

This is a charismatic course. Although I am nervous of these situations, they were handled in a gentle, non-threatening manner and I came away with a large helping of the Holy Spirit.

There is nothing in this course that I have not heard before. However, everything was presented in a new and personal way so that basic truths I have known all my life, I finally accepted as wonderful and personal.

My life has undergone a change of direction and management in my autumn years.

The food was really good and accommodation adequate.

Thank you to the presenters. I met some special people and I would recommend the Philip course to anyone who is ready to take their faith seriously.

Mac Stephenson

Christ is Risen!!!

This statement together with the response has developed such great meaning since going on the Phillip course. As I had a family function planned for the weekend of the retreat my normal automatic response to Sam's invite would have been to decline the invite but there was that little voice in my head that said I needed to attend the course. Let me say thank you for allowing me to do so. 

When I left on Saturday I cried the whole way to my destination, thinking about how much GOD loves me and how its impossible for him to stop loving me. Me the sinner, its sometimes unfathomable to find a complete love for oneself yet to know, not even imagine that GOD has this more than infinite love for me. It's a glorious feeling. I was slightly awkward in the beginning, witnessing others being so charismatic about their faith while I was awkwardly embracing of it. But I realised one needs to let the Holy Spirit do his work. 

My expectation for the retreat was to grow closer to the Lord, but I also wanted to experience the Holy Spirit. Yet when we had our Holy Spirit session I was scared of what to expect. So with some apprehension, I walked up. Hearing the words come Holy Spirit, more Holy Spirit, fill Zelda, I felt the most beautiful calm warm feeling rise within me. I could not contain the tears. 

The Phillip course taught me about the love GOD has for me, it has added value to my prayer life. I am not apprehensive of the Holy Spirit in my life, I welcome his touch in my life in all aspects. I have shared my experience with my family and our family prayer life has changed for the better. 

There is a massive difference in knowing GOD and KNOWING GOD....thank you for helping me discern this. Life will not always be easy but I know that I will most definitely be more okay through the journey.


I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me

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